Friday, February 17, 2006


Strategic intent - use the "divide & rule" formula!!!

We discussed that "strategic" is mainly used with long term (i hope you remember)

"Intent" is basically related to "intentions" that is "a plan to do something" is an intention

Join the 2 - & you get - "a plan to do something in the long term" .... isnt it

this "plan to do something in long term" can be expressed in vague terms as well as specific terms. ... right

Now, ... here come vision, mission, business definition, goals, objectives - just see that all these terms basically express - "a firm's plan to do something in the long term" ....

So, here is you answer - "STRATEGIC INTENT" is - what an organization plans to strive for in future (long term), and it can be expressed in vague / broad terms as well as in specific terms

So, vision & mission of an organization expresses the strategic intent of the organization in broad terms .... and ... business definition, goals, objectives expresses the strategic intent of the organization in relatively specific terms.

In other words, we can say that - vision, mission, business definition, goals & objectives - are (just) "tools" to express "strategic intent" of the organization.